We are at the centre of world-class wilderness where a myriad of outdoor adventures await.
Kluane National Park and Reserve itself is larger than the total area of all the National Parks in the Rockies. And when combined with protected areas in British Columbia and Alaska, this area becomes known as the St. Elias World Heritage Complex, the world's largest protected mountain parkland where wildlife abounds and people are just visitors.
We invite you to join us in experiencing this incredible land worthy of a lifetime of exploration.

We recognize the great privilege that we and our visitors enjoy being on the traditional territory of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations. Since time immemorial, Champagne and Aishihik First Nations have called this area their home.
As the owners and operators of Kluane Cabins, we ask that you take time to learn about Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, and strive to respectfully visit and be a supportive and kind visitor. As you travel through the land, hike the trails, climb the mountains, explore the forests and meadows, or paddle the many waterways, please note that you are not the first traveler here.
There are families with strong connections to these places who carry great responsibilities to see that the land, the water, their animal relations, and plants are taken care of and respected. We hope you get to experience some of the incredible magic this land and CAFN has to offer and you find that you too, are honoured to be here.
For more information, go to https://cafn.ca and be sure to visit the Da Kų Cultural Centre in Haines Junction.
Shäw Níthän – Gunałchish –Thank you.